Friday, 5 February 2010


My intervention will be based on my previous project and the connections between the Public and the Private Spaces. The idea was to explore more these two spaces in a building, in order to create a nice and friendly environment for the people of Deptford who want to escape from the city life, cultivate their imagination, relax and enjoy their leisure time but also make this project part of their life.
The ‘House’ Project will break the boundaries of a private house-space into a public one. A new network is going to be created between the public-private spaces of Deptford, the different age of people, the Albany Theater and the market. The idea of ‘The House Project’ is to create all these corners and rooms that an actual house has in order to make the people feel like they are in their own house. This connection will transform the actual rooms of a house like the kitchen into an open-kitchen restaurant, the living room into a coffee bar and a library, a garden which will look private but its going to be public etc.